Sunday, April 20, 2014

Scrambled eggs

Out of the ferns

sliding silent and smooth.

Two meters long and intense

across aeons of time.

Shaking out an old bed sheet

tiny gecko eggs.

white, tumble and crash.

Scrambled eggs for breakfast

for hundreds of ants.

It is a rude awakening to realize
( often after decades of searching
that there is no enlightenment to get.   
That there is nothing to obtain, 
but everything to loose. 

This does not only mean that 
we can drop the search, 
but that we are asked to question the premise  
that we are a person.

Everything stands and falls by this identification.

Realizing who and what we are,
we fall into the discovery
of the emptiness of ones true nature
and the fullness of existence 

Everything is instantly and
intimately experienced 
at no distance of one self.

There is no separation 
anywhere to be found.

Check it out.... 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Collecting dust

 At one point through insights and/or grace
( which is the same )
the impulse might come to stop following,
to stop believing what other people are telling us.

Getting fed up listening again and again to one of those
ND guys or girls sitting there in front singing their songs.?
( my God,  how many hours can 
   one take of this non sensical prattle ? )

Not even bothering any more to read the latest ND book
which we have ordered out of habit, 
and which is collecting dust on our table.?

Websites and youtube interviews.?

Thousands of hours...

Fed up with listening,  reading about it.?

Who knows some momentum might be 
gathering to stop consuming. 
Stop going out to take in more and more 
of the ND lullabies and just look and see..

Where are you reading these words from?

See for yourself

Nobody can do this for you.

It is the end of the someone who is
trying to get somewhere.

And only seeing/perceiving is left.
