Tuesday, May 31, 2016
What happens when we let go of concepts?
What if we are able to let go of all frameworks
which up to now helped us to navigate this
big amorphous thing we call Life.
( Where we try make sense of the sensory perceptions,
the actions happening around us and through us.)
Can we let go of all beliefs, stories and
the way we think the universe works?
Can we also let go of the Nondual jargon,
the Nondual way we have accostumed to look at ourselves and the world?
( Nonduality almost starts to reek after a cult.
Is it the beginning of a religion?
Words as Nondualism for instance... What is that? )
Words are used within a context where there is a reference point, a duality.
The immediacy, the direct perception is already here,
before words and concepts appear,
and does not need our understanding.
It is the recognition.
moment to moment.
To be present with
whatever is appearing.
No need to cut it up in me and the world
inside or outside
or spin a story around it.
Do we dare to let go
and fall into the mystery?
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Are you present and aware?
The instruments of the body mind,
through which emptiness experiences
and expresses itself,
have been geared from day one
to notice seamlessly all that appears.
Not perceiving separation as the personality structure
has not been build up yet.
At first in awe about the endless wonder of things,
and as education and conditioning
are making their inroad
through parents, siblings, teachers, friends,
in an ever increasing sense of unease.
Slowly giving in to the demands and expectations of the ones who care for us, we start to loose our wholeness and start to identify with the persona.
Our attention gets mesmerised and caught
by the self-referential thoughts and patterns
we mistakingly call me.
Taking us away from here and now
to regrets and guilt of the past or
hopes and fears for the future.
All the while the senses are hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, here and now.
Always present yes,
but mostly not aware.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
A next jacket?
What is it in us that is perceiving?
What is it that is reading these words right now?
What is it that is noticing the difference
in temperature in the room
or the sudden feeling of unease?
The taste of coffee
the irritating noise of the drilling machine next door.
Thoughts about the dinner you had yesterday with a friend?
Who or what is seeing this all coming and going?
Whatever is right now in our field of perception
is effortlessly seen, noticed and felt.
What is it?
This most basic and primal principle.
Without it nothing even exist because it is not perceived.
Who and what are we?
This is a most amazing journey and adventure,
if we can do this exploration for the sake of truth,
for a need to know.
If we do this with an intention to get something out of this,
or to make us feel better
we will get disappointed.
The brutal fact is that this journey
is not to acquire and achieve but rather
to see through, let go, and loose.
To notice everything and anything which is
limiting us, defining us.
And if we can be aware enough we see
that these are just habits,
thought-constructs which at times help us
to navigate through life but often
limit us and enslave us.
If we can see this happening,
we already create space,
loosen the identification with the personal story.
But notice that at any time the strong habit
of identifying can crawl into the next jacket.
e.g. the ND person who has seen It.
Who is beyond it all
and can now assume an identity around This
of feeling more special or more free.
Another crutch to hang on to?
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