Sunday, February 26, 2017

Nothing out of Place

Misty Morning
early sunrise
bumping over country roads.

The peace and timelessness   
of a world where as yet 
nothing is out of place.

Villages and potholes make way
for cows, dogs, palm trees
a lone figure squatting.
Then suddenly there...

The outline of a lake shore
visibility of a few square meters
the muted calls of life waking up.

The mind made world switched off
disappearing in the wonder
of birds doing their thing.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

                                                                                                    Photo: Michiel Mussies


Do we dare to stand alone?

Dare to question the status quo?
All alone?

Only One? 

Letting go of everything we hold dear?
Everything we are used too?

Our conditioning has been instrumental in providing us a safe 
environment for us to grow up and then find 
our place in the world.

But when we have grown up do we dare to question
everything we have become so used too?
Everything which tells us that we are soo and soo?
Nationality, cultural identity, gender, family traits, etc.

This is the luggage which weighs us down.
if we hold this too close to us, 

Or are these just elements we play with as we come 
to realise that we are more than the things which appear?

Sometimes it needs courage to first dare to stand apart 
from what we have always known to be me. 
In order to create a distance from which we can see 
that we are more than the elements which appear.

We are also the space in which everything shows itself.

And we are as well the perceiving capacity by which
we know ourselves to be and this and that. 
We are the sky and the weather. 

A seamless continuum always in process 
and always at rest at the same time.