Step back
step back..
Back from the motivations to act.
From the identification with the
swirling thoughts
and lingering feelings
passing by like buses and cars in
front of our window.
Back from everything
which defines us as a person.
Step back from everything which tells us
that we are limited and separate.
Step back just a little while
as if it is a game we play.
Like the game we played in reverse
when we came into the world and played
the game of being the little boy and girl
because we so much wanted to please our parents.
After all the survival of this body depended
on their interest in us.
And after playing the game of being this little girl or boy
for some time we forgot that it was just a game,
because no one told us otherwise.
And with this forgetting we lost home.
Not knowing any more who we truly are.
Instead we identified with this pseudo identity.
Always sensing something is not quite right,
something is missing,
something is wrong.
And as everyone else,
we started to look outward,
somewhere else for completion.
Relationships, work, money, enlightenment,
cats and dogs, children, cigarettes,
sex and drugs and rock and roll.
Anything at all to fill up the hole
created by this misidentification.
We have lost sight of the simple fact of being.
Unconditionally present.
Always here and now.
And more intimate than our own breath.
Step back and see what is always present already..
Consent to be nothing and none, dissolve Time's work
Cast of thy mind, step back from form and name
Annul thyself that only God may be.
Sri Aurobindo
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